Saturday, September 11, 2004

Learning Cantonese

I recently started learning Cantonese.

Obviously there's no way I'm gonna be able to learn to write chinese for many years so some bright spark came up with a way of writing down Chinese words phonetically (this process is called Romanisation) so English speaking people can learn to pronounce the words correct.

Actually, I've also got a CD which really helps you to pronounce the words properly but the best way to learn Cantonese is to find some people who speak it. Fortunately at work there are several people who can and they really enjoy teaching me! It takes a lot of patience because I have a mind like a sieve!

"jou-sahn" means good morning
"sin-saang" means Mr
So "Jou-sahn Steve sin-saang" means Good morning Mr Steve

The best phrase I learn today was "Craig jyu" which means Craig is a pig!! Sorry mate!

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