Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A new way to search my blog

The astute readers amongst you will no doubt have noticed the new "Search my blog / web" panel that has appeared on my blog. The geeks amongst you will notice that I have replaced the standard Google search box with a rather new spiced up jazzy Google AJAX widget... AJAX is a bit of a buzz word in the programming world at the moment and I was keen to get in on the action. So I borrowed this code from the nice people over at Google - thanks to Mark Lucovsky for his post and demonstration here)

Actually he's also enhanced the demo blog with some rather funky map and video searches too. Definately worth checking out and I may well play around with those in due course too!

For those of you that are "not really into that computer programming nonsense" but love to reap the benefits of long hard hours spent by coders. Click the following links and see what happens...

Sri Lanka | Fire | My car is dead | Elephant Orphanage ... and yes ... it's magic!

Programming Links:

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