Monday, March 20, 2006



We just installed a new firewall at work - does really clever stuff like actually looking at webpages before you read them - just to check you're not looking at dodgy stuff. The technical term is "content filtering" - letting through the good stuff and blocking the not so savoury stuff.

Only one problem... someone made the filters a little too aggressive and oops...I couldn't get to my blog and the reason for that was made very clear - "pornography" apparently.

I challenge anybody to find the porn on this blog - its clean I assure you! :o)

Anyways, so had a good laugh, plugged in the admin override password and hey presto...I'm here now! :)

But isn't it ironic how the password defeats the point of the filtering!

1 comment:

Sipech said...

No porn!!

Just count the average number of items of clothing that Mr Blue Man is wearing at any one time. What about his name too?!?!? It's a bit obvious really.