Sunday, July 18, 2004

Culture that sucks you in

Sri Lankan and English culture are as contrasting as black is to white.

In Sri Lanka, time is an approximation. Plans are always flexible. Nothing is set in stone until it becomes engraved in history. This culture is absorbing, it sucks you in. Western influences telling you that time is of the essence are soon forgotten as you are transported into a macro-world where deadline induced stress ceases to exist. A job is done when its done. There is little reference to time.

This philosophy is foreign to me, I'm used to being under pressure: work deadlines, places to be, people to see. Yet here all these things still happen, just without the pressure (unless you happen to be called Priyani!)

Why is this? Do they not have clocks? Yes, but the whole culture is people orientated rather than results focussed. That's the major difference. Building good relationships is far more important than making money. Building a good relationship takes time whilst making money eats it away. Now you see where their priorities lie. It actually makes a lot of sense.

It was an incredible experience to be transported into this country, culture, philosophy, way of life, to sit back, relax and let Sri Lankan culture engage me in its own time and way. That's the most exciting way to encounter a culture - to let it take you by the hand and lead you through its many surprises.

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